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Wallpaper Changer


Wallpaper Changer is a FREEWARE Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP wallpaper manager that can change your background images on every startup, once a day or at regular intervals. It features JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP support. Several options are provided, including the ability to change your images in random order.

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24 users
Windows XP/7/Vista
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4 140

More about Wallpaper Changer

Try Wallpaper Changer v5.1 provided on SoftDeluxe. This is a free program by Frank Pleitz and you're welcome to get it. This program belongs to Wallpapers in the Desktop category. The program versions that users like running on Windows XP/7 are 3.0 and 2.1. The most popular installers for the software are Wallpaper Changer.exe and WallPaper.exe. The download link was analysed by a number of antivirus solutions and was found to be clean.

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Wallpaper Changer 5.1
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