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KeyFreeze is a tiny utility that does nothing else but quickly disables the keyboard and the mouse, allowing your kid to bang them as much as he or she likes, without affecting what's running on the computer. Therefore, the toddler can watch cartoons or other stuff on the screen and pressing the mouse or keyboard buttons won't change anything.

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Rated by
2 users
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11
File size:
497.91 KB
Category rank:
All software rank:
7 157

More about KeyFreeze

KeyFreeze takes up 497.91 KB to launch its version JitBit Software has created this program and distributes it at no cost. The software is a part of the category Antivirus with the Personal Security subcategory. This tool can be launched on Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10 and its most popular version is 1.0. BKeyFreeze.exe and KeyFreeze.exe are the most popular setup file names of KeyFreeze you may come across. The direct download link of the program is safe to use.

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