More about Dell SupportAssist
Discover the info about Dell SupportAssist v1.3, its overall size is 2.12 MB. This program can be found under the System Optimizers subcategory of the System Utilities category. We recommend you to download the versions 1.2 and 1.1 and launch them on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. The most popular packages for the software are pcdlauncher.exe and pcdrcui.exe. The antivirus system of our website marked the direct download link as safe to use.

Dell SupportAssist
Free download
i need to uninstall the Support Assist but i missin the msi File. Is there somewhere the Possibility to Download the SupportAssistx64-3.1.o.142.msi file?
since the update ( it no longer does a "Scan Hardware"
it hangs up on "preparing for hardware test"
3.4.1 was automatically installed, but the program is in a stalled buffering mode whics proports to be installing the program that has already been installed.
I've had to uninstall support assist and then reinstall
but I had to search in files for it but it won't open.
I'm uninstalling all dell support. it's a pain in the
Why all the reminders? Why updates are not automated? Why access to clicking on SupportAssist not easily available? Should be on my saved items but never stays there. Surely Dell can device better system for updates?